Hi-Pro Farm Supplies Launches New PanDia Varieties in Jamaica

September 4, 2019 info@pandiaseeds.com

Hi-Pro Farm Supplies, a leader in Jamaican agricultural supplies, recently launched several new PanDia varieties for the Jamaican market. The launch occurred at the Denbigh Agricultural Show, the oldest and largest agricultural show in the English Speaking Caribbean which has been held annually since 1952. More than 80,000 patrons attend the event annually.

During this event, at the Hi-Pro Village, four new PanDia varieties were introduced into Jamaica, including lettuce Prince MI, tomato Gigante Rojo F-1, tomato Insuperable F-1, and cucumber Tiburon F-1. These are all climate smart varieties that were specifically developed for the growing conditions found in Jamaica.

Prince MI is a mosaic index produced head of the highest quality seed that develops compact, beautiful lettuce heads, even in hot conditions. Gigante Rojo is a hybrid semi-determinate fresh market (round) tomato variety that has outstanding yields of large and firm fruit, as well as an outstanding disease package. Insuperable is a hybrid determinate saladette (elongated) tomato that produces 160-180 gram firm fruit. It has a compact plant and strong disease resistances. Tiburon is one of the most advanced slicer cucumbers available on the market today. It has a dark green color, high yields, and one of the most complete disease resistance packages available.

During the event, leaders in agriculture visited Hi-Pro including the Prime Minister of Jamaica, the President of Kenya, numerous large growers, the Hi-Pro and PanDia management teams, and the Minister of Agriculture who also gave a speech during the product launch.

PanDia Seeds looks forward to continuing to support Jamaican farmers by providing well adapted, climate smart seeds that will help farmers achieve optimal success.